Nothing major if you’re wondering.

You should be seeing higher quality advertising. IDG, the folks who publish everything that ends in “world” like PC World, Computerworld and Macworld have put together a network of mostly IDG content and selected independent publishers like StorageMojo to create a compelling Internet ad buy.

You should be seeing the first of the new format ads at the top of the page and to the right. I’ll be replacing the Google ads with the IDG ads to reduce clutter.

Soon there will be a larger ad in the center column. IDG tells me that advertisers love them, i.e. pay more. As a card-carrying capitalist I’m down with that.

The point is to generate significant revenue so I can continue to bring you lovely pictures of red rocks and maybe even more content.

IDG offers publishers a traditional CPM model based on impressions rather than clicks. Benefit: you don’t have to click Google ads just so I can eat.

New format?
The timing is less certain, but I’ve found a new format, or theme, for WordPress that would be a nice update. It is a cleaner layout, more whitespace, better typography and offers a larger header picture. I don’t know when I’ll do the update, but it is on the agenda.

I hope you’ll like it, whenever it arrives.

Top 100 analyst blog
I discovered today that StorageMojo made Technobabble’s Top 100 analyst blog list. AFAIK there are only about 120 analyst blogs, but I’m heartened that StorageMojo came in #19 overall and ahead of any other storage analyst blog. Dave Hitz probably gets more hits, but as co-founder of NetApp he isn’t a storage analyst.

Warning: if StorageMojo falls off the next version of the list, don’t expect to read about it here!

Update: Someone, bless ’em, linked to StorageMojo from – who knew? – Flickr! LOL!

Maybe I need to get with the social networking thing after all.

Comments welcome, of course.