by Robin Harris | Friday, June 10, 2016 | Architecture, Disk, Enterprise, Marketing, SAN, FC |
I feel sorry for EMC’s marketers: they have to make 10-20 year old technology seem au courant. It’s an uphill battle, but that’s why they get the big bucks. The latest effort to perfume the pig – hold still, dammit! – is EMC Unity. In a...
by Robin Harris | Monday, May 9, 2016 | Architecture, Cloud computing & storage, Disk, Enterprise, SSD/Flash/NVRAM |
There’s a gathering vendor storm pushing the all-flash datacenter as a solution to datacenter ills, such as high personnel costs and performance bottlenecks. There’s some truth to this, but its application is counter-intuitive. Most of the time, storage...
by Robin Harris | Tuesday, March 29, 2016 | Architecture, Backup, Disk, Enterprise, Future Tech, Price Lists, SSD/Flash/NVRAM |
On March 29, 2006, published its first posts to universal indifference. The indifference didn’t last long: the second week of StorageMojo’s existence I published 25x Data Compression Made Simple. The post was /.’d and the vituperation...
by Robin Harris | Tuesday, December 15, 2015 | Disk, SOHO/SMB, SSD/Flash/NVRAM |
Probably never. Here’s why. DRAMeXchange is predicting that in 2017 some 41% of laptops will sport SSDs. As the per gigabyte price difference between disk and flash shrinks, the price differential becomes irrelevant at ever-higher capacity points. Most people...
by Robin Harris | Wednesday, June 3, 2015 | Architecture, Disk, Enterprise, SSD/Flash/NVRAM, Virtualization |
From their earliest days, people have reported that SSDs were not providing the performance they expected. As SSDs age, for instance, they get slower. But how much slower? And why? A common use of SSDs is for servers hosting virtual machines. The aggregated VMs create...
by Robin Harris | Monday, May 11, 2015 | Architecture, Cloud computing & storage, Clusters, Disk, Enterprise, Future Tech, Information Management, Object storage, SSD/Flash/NVRAM |
The crack StorageMojo analyst team has finally named a StorageMojo FAST 15 Best Paper. It was tough to get agreement this year because of the many excellent contenders. Here’s a rundown of the most interesting before a more detailed explication of the winner....
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