StorageMojo has always been about upending current practices in data storage and IT. From the truly independent analysis to publishing vendor price lists StorageMojo has sought to give end-users power in an industry where information is jealously guarded and opinions are too often for sale.
StorageMojo offers consulting on an almost-free, hourly and custom engagement basis.
Almost-free end-user consulting
End-users can get a 50 minute consult in return for a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more to the Verde Valley Sanctuary which offers:
. . . a safe haven for victims of family violence, providing shelter, community outreach and legal advocacy services.
You donate online and forward the receipt to me before the consult. That’s it.
This charge isn’t directly comparable to the rate corporate customers pay, but it is a large discount. I too have skin in game.
What you get
StorageMojo is focussed on emerging technologies, products, markets and companies.
A consult is most valuable early in the problem definition and vendor evaluation stage, especially if you are grappling with a new or different application. Advice will be candid, direct and as unbiased as possible.
As a long-time corporate denizen I may also be able to offer creative ideas on how to position your project to gather political support. You may also have me sit in – remotely – on vendor presentations to facilitate communications.
Hourly corporate consulting
I’m available for hourly consults for specific questions and subject areas, with billing and such handled through a 3rd party. Contact me for details.
Custom consulting
Engagements have ranged from the earliest product planning to launch strategy to more common analyst services such as white papers, videos, competitive analysis and management consulting. Contact me to discuss how we might work together.
What you don’t get
StorageMojo is not in the storage operations business and does not configure storage systems or networks. StorageMojo does not endorse vendors either, so you must exercise your own due diligence to ensure that a vendor can meet your requirements.
How can I help?
Contact StorageMojo today.
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