by Robin Harris | Sunday, January 27, 2008 | Information Management, SAN, FC, Security & Public Policy |
What’s the difference? I came across a thoughtful essay on the “Top Ten Differences between Disk-based Archive & Disk-based Storage” in the MatrixStore blog. MatrixStore is a Mac cluster-based disk archive for Apple’s to-be-announced-RSN...
by Robin Harris | Thursday, December 13, 2007 | Architecture, Future Tech, Security & Public Policy |
Mighty Google is worried about getting the shaft from telcos. Shouldn’t you be too? Larry Downes imagines the worst Larry Downes’ arguments against net neutrality are button-pushing propaganda designed to inflame, not illuminate. I expect better from a...
by Robin Harris | Thursday, December 6, 2007 | Enterprise, Security & Public Policy |
The SF Federal Attorney is 2 and 0 on these backdating prosecutions. Stephanie Jensen, former VP of HR, said she didn’t know what she was doing was wrong, but the prosecution noted that she cautioned staffers not to email about it. The jury took a day to return...
by Robin Harris | Monday, December 3, 2007 | Future Tech, Security & Public Policy |
Not “knowledge is power” or “information is power.” If you can’t store it, search it and retrieve it, you’ve got bupkis, friend. Massive storage is a double-edged sword And we’ll be forever in sorting it out. Cases in point...
by Robin Harris | Tuesday, November 13, 2007 | Disk, Security & Public Policy |
The China syndrome pt. II According to Engadget some Maxtor-branded Seagate drives shipped with a handy little virus: . . . drives produced by a company sub-contract manufacturer located in China were reportedly sent out with the Virus.Win32.AutoRun.ah program already...
by Robin Harris | Wednesday, October 31, 2007 | Security & Public Policy |
What is Cantonese for “sucks”? A piece in the UK web site The Register, says of some recent Mac drives: According to Retrodata, its customers have sent in a much higher number of failed Seagate 2.5in SATA drives made in China and loaded with firmware...
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