What about Sun’s acquisition of Cluster File Systems, Inc.?
Yawn. CFSI was going out of business. Sun bought the assets, not the company.

Good for CFSI employees
They get a paycheck from a solvent company. They may even get some sensible marketing. Hey, it could happen.

What is Lustre?
Arguably the highest-end parallel file system. At the Seattle Conference on Scalability, founder Peter Braam spoke about current 25,000 node Lustre clusters and plans to 10x that number in the next 5 years.
Update: It appears the Lustre.org and the Lustreusers.org sites are suspended. Hm-m-m? Update II: They are back up.

Cool, huh?

So why aren’t they rich?
CFSI was a tech playpen, not a company. Like Formula 1 racing. Instead of Ferrari, CFSI had the national labs backing them. Great stuff, except nobody else has the problems the national labs have, so it limits the market.

Lustre will be facing some serious competition from pNFS once it gets baked into Linux and other operating systems. The fast-growing commercial HPC market will eat pNFS clusters up. Lustre isn’t part of that.

The StorageMojo take
Sun bought a hook into a customer base that, when budgets are good, can be very profitable. They also bought a technical team that is very knowledgeable about fabric interconnects, which in the shift to cluster storage and grids will be a very good thing for Sun.

Comments welcome, as always. OK, Lustre proponents, tell me where I’m wrong.