Cloud storage seems to have legs, so after the usual hesitation about leaving home (see picture above) I decided to attend the SNIA cloud storage summit in sunny San Jose this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Hmm-m: cloud, summit. . . . images of John Krakauer’s Into Thin Air come to mind.
With luck a hangover will be this expedition’s worst damage. The StorageMojo delegation will arrive Tuesday afternoon and plans to depart for the nether reaches of NoAz on Friday. Please say hi.
The StorageMojo take
Cloud storage is in the “wise men and the elephant” stage: people are seeing different pieces. Looks like a good group is showing up, so there should be much learning.
Whatever it is, the current recession is encouraging the serious architectural rethinking required for major savings in enterprise IT. While the details are fuzzy, there is no doubt that there are real economic and operational advantages to be had.
Courteous comments welcome, of course.
Seems to me organisations are looking to the cloud as their silver bullet. Whilst I personally believe the cloud rightly has its place in storage strategies it should certainly not be the only technology piece underpinning the daily running of your business.