Jeff Darcy has a good post on key data stores, like Amazon’s Dynamo, and how they differ from filesystems and databases. He relates his transition from a filesystem purist to a more flexible perspective.

The thing that really changed my mind about this was an observation in the Dynamo paper: strong consistency reduces availability. I’ve always thought of data availability in terms of data not being lost or stranded on the other side of a failed network connection. The Dynamo insight is that many applications have to do a lot of work within a small acceptable-response-time window, and to make sure that they fit into that window they have to impose deadlines on all sub-operations including data access. If consistency issues make data unavailable within that deadline then they’ve made it unavailable period, with practically the same effect as if the data were unavailable in any other sense.

In short, while there is a class of applications where traditional consistency is important, there is an emerging class where strong consistency isn’t affordable or necessary. Good stuff.

Another point
Many of the features that make up these non-FS/non-DB stores seem to have a lot in common with object storage. In a highly mobile world the whole idea of placing a file in cyberspace by a path name is anachronistic at best: it could be, physically, almost anywhere and is most likely in several places at once.

The StorageMojo take
While the name “object” is problematic for market acceptance, the concept of managing objects in a flat address space – like the web itself – is a better fit for a mobile networked world. There is a major opportunity to move file management infrastructure forward to reflect the world we now live in rather than a 35 year old server environment.

Courteous comments welcome, of course. Thanks to Wes Felter’s Hack the Planet blog for the link to Jeff’s post.