After more than 6 years of relatively steady writing, I’m taking a break. No cell phone. No computer. No Internet. Until June 25th.
There will be comment moderation, so please comment subject to the usual “Courteous comments welcome, of course” proviso.
The StorageMojo take
I doubt I’ll write about the break itself, but I hope to come back better able to do justice to all of you who read StorageMojo. StorageMojo has, without a doubt, the best audience in storagedom. Thank you for taking this journey with me.
Courteous comments welcome, of course. There are some great new papers I’m looking forward to writing up once I get back. And I’ll have a new fully-optioned MacBook Air to play with as well.
Enjoy your break.. bummer for me… hopefully reinvigorating for yourself. 😉
I’ve never said it before, but thanks for all of your writing thus far on a topic that doesn’t get a lot of press to start with. I read most or all of the storage blogs and find yours to be one of the best.
Have a great time off. I think I need to take a no-gadget break as well.