It’s spring, and a young man’s fancy turns to Las Vegas and the National Association of Broadcasters annual price-is-no-object tech toy fair. Shaking off a long winter’s chills the StorageMojo analyst army is getting ready to ride off into the hills to see the bright lights of the LVCC.

Arriving Wednesday on the show floor and leaving Thursday afternoon. Will you be there? Let’s meet up. Comment below.

The StorageMojo take
NAB is a favorite show because it is further upstream than CES: no consumption without production; and this is where you find out about what can be produced. Plus the toys are more fun, even if many are priced for mega-corps, not small producers.

As a video producer playing with – and writing about – the storage intensive tech is both fun and profitable. The changes the industry has gone through in the last 10 years are amazing, and I suspect the fun is just beginning!

Courteous comments welcome, of course.