
A new StorageMojo service for storage companies: recruiting.
StorageMojo is the top-ranked storage analyst blog, reaching a wide cross-section of the storage industry. Our 50,000+ unique visitors a month include the top engineering talent in storage hardware, software, applications, networking, planning and design. Add to this top marketing pros, executives, investors and analysts and you have a network of highly-qualified industry professionals unavailable anywhere else.

StorageMojo is partnering with a longtime technology industry recruiter, Ray Holley, to provide a service designed for startups and emerging companies. And being StorageMojo we’re doing it differently.

We focus on startups and emerging companies
First, we don’t accept assignments from large companies. Not that we have anything against large companies – some of our best friends work for them – but recruiting relationships include a promise not to recruit from the client company for at least a year.

Which means BigCorp’s huddled masses would be off-limits. And we want as many people as possible to be free to join an exciting startup or emerging company. And to cast as wide a recruiting net as possible.

We work on a principals-only basis. This means you get the time and attention of professionals with over 40 years of combined IT industry experience. Your project is never pushed off to a junior associate.

Flexible options
Our packages allow you to pick options tailored to meet the needs of small-to-medium tech companies…

  • Hourly. A straight, reasonable hourly rate for the time spent on your search. Includes premium ad placement on the StorageMojo home and careers page and direct-approach networking and research to win A-List talent.
  • “Container”. A hybrid contingency/retained search with a small up-front retainer with the balance due at completion. Container searches receive premium ad placement on the StorageMojo home and careers page and priority over contingency searches.
  • Contingency. Includes standard ad placement on the StorageMojo Careers page.

Reach the best people in the industry
Your search is handled confidentially and professionally. We guarantee exposure and attention of top industry professionals available nowhere else.

And, as long-time industry and recruiting professionals ourselves, we understand your business challenges as well as your recruiting needs. Our reach and scope allows us to accept domestic and international assignments. Let’s talk today about how we can become your trusted recruiting partner.

Robin Harris, President and Chief Analyst
Robin Harris

Ray Holley, Managing Partner
Ray Holley Group, LLC
Ray Holley
(928) 282-9232
Learn more about Ray.