Shock, vibe and awe

Shouting at a disk drive will cause it to stop. But what about the constant nagging they get in busy data centers? That’s a bigger problem. Bad, bad, bad vibrations The use of consumer-grade SATA drives in the enterprise raises the concern. A 2005 study,...

Does RAID 6 stop working in 2019?

Late last year Sun engineer, DTrace co-inventor, flash architect and ZFS developer Adam Leventhal, analyzed RAID 6 as a viable data protection strategy. He lays it out in the Association of Computing Machinery’s Queue magazine, in the article Triple-Parity RAID...

Why we need 4k drives

WD has started shipping drives that drop the ancient 512 byte disk sector for a 4096 byte – 4k – sector, and the rest of industry isn’t far behind. For several decades disk sectors have been almost always been 512 bytes (NetApp tried 520 bytes...

A data robot is eating the low end

Geoff Barrall founded BlueArc at the high end of NAS performance. He then founded Data Robotics, maker of the Drobo low end arrays. A group of bloggers visited DR last month and a lucky few – not including me – took brand new Drobo2 units home. The idea...

Optical nearing the end of the line

TDK recently demo’d an impressive technical achievement: a 10 layer optical disk with 320 GB capacity – using standard Blu-ray (BD) drive technology. Each layer has better than 90% light transmission and writing required no more than 20 mW of the 30 mW Blu-ray...