by Robin Harris | Thursday, June 5, 2014 | Cloud computing & storage, Clusters, NAS, IP, iSCSI, Object storage, Virtualization |
Open vStorage is a new virtual storage system coming out of stealth mode. Designed to enable virtual machines to run directly from object storage, it is a layer between the hypervisor and the object store with the goal of turning object storage – as well as...
by Robin Harris | Monday, May 5, 2014 | Architecture, Enterprise, Future Tech, Object storage, SAN, FC, SSD/Flash/NVRAM |
The drama with XtremIO’s delays only whetted EMC’s appetite for more drama. Or the hot breath of competition and declining VMAX sales. Let’s go with the latter. StorageMojo has been following DSSD for some time. The core of the Sun ZFS team, Jeff...
by Robin Harris | Wednesday, April 30, 2014 | Architecture, Cloud computing & storage, Object storage |
Reactions to the post on Amazon’s Glacier secret were varied and sometimes enlightening – with one savvy observation that I wish I’d made. The post made Hacker News (h/t to Mark Watson for the alert) and received 40+ comments. Alternate ideas A...
by Robin Harris | Tuesday, April 8, 2014 | Cloud computing & storage, Clusters, Enterprise, NAS, IP, iSCSI, Object storage, SSD/Flash/NVRAM |
This is big. In new SPECsfs2008_nfs.v3 tests Avere’s FXT 3800 clustered edge filers achieved something remarkable: performance using Cleversafe and Amazon S3 cloud backends that were every bit as good as local backing stores. Avere tested 4 systems: A 32-node...
by Robin Harris | Tuesday, March 18, 2014 | Architecture, Cloud computing & storage, Clusters, Object storage |
Back in 2006 – before Barack Obama was famous – StorageMojo evaluated the Google File System and concluded Looking at the whole gestalt, even assuming GFS were for sale, it is a niche product and would not be very successful on the open market. As a model...
by Robin Harris | Thursday, January 30, 2014 | Architecture, Cloud computing & storage, Disk, Future Tech, Object storage |
Seagate’s Kinetic Vision moves closer to reality. Seagate is continuing their Kinetic Open Storage program with a couple of tools announced and demo’d at the Open Compute conference in San Jose today. I’m not there, but I’m glad to see the...
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