by Robin Harris | Thursday, June 2, 2016 | Architecture, Clusters, Future Tech, SAN, FC, SOHO/SMB |
If memory serves – and mine often doesn’t – I asked a panel at the NVM Workshop at UCSD their opinion on using Thunderbolt as a cheap, fast, and flexible interconnect. After all, I thought, academics always need more than they can afford, so these...
by Robin Harris | Monday, May 2, 2016 | Architecture, Cloud computing & storage, Enterprise, Future Tech, Information Management, Object storage, SOHO/SMB, SSD/Flash/NVRAM |
Goodbye, old bottleneck StorageMojo has often asked buyers to focus on latency rather than IOPS thanks to SSDs making IOPS cheap and plentiful. This naturally leads to a focus on I/O stack latency, which multiple vendors are attacking. But what are the implications of...
by Robin Harris | Tuesday, December 15, 2015 | Disk, SOHO/SMB, SSD/Flash/NVRAM |
Probably never. Here’s why. DRAMeXchange is predicting that in 2017 some 41% of laptops will sport SSDs. As the per gigabyte price difference between disk and flash shrinks, the price differential becomes irrelevant at ever-higher capacity points. Most people...
by Robin Harris | Wednesday, May 13, 2015 | Marketing, SOHO/SMB |
You are a small tech company. You have a marketing guy but it’s largely engineers solving problems that most people don’t even know exist. How do you get attention and respect at a low cost? Content marketing. When most people think about marketing, they...
by Robin Harris | Tuesday, December 2, 2014 | Architecture, Cloud computing & storage, Enterprise, SOHO/SMB |
The existential battle facing legacy storage vendors is about business models, not technology or features. Market forces – cloud providers and SMBs – are trying to turn a high margin business into a much lower margin business. We have already seen this...
by Robin Harris | Wednesday, August 20, 2014 | Architecture, Enterprise, Information Management, NAS, IP, iSCSI, SOHO/SMB |
The co-founder of Equallogic, Paula Long, is heading up the new startup DataGravity. Their system takes advantage of active/active controllers to bring deep storage inspection to small and medium businesses. What they do DataGravity brings a new level of information...
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