Who makes the best consumer disk drives?

I just did a post over at the more consumer-oriented StorageMojo doppelgänger Storage Bits titled “Who makes the best hard drives?” In it I attempted to determine, based on simple search requests, if any drive vendor had a real advantage or disadvantage....

Home RAID vs backup?

I got into it today on ZDnet with one of the other bloggers, George Ou, who published Why dumb-downed no-RAID storage is bad for consumers. As I believe that RAID is an idea whose time is coming to a close, I responded with Why home RAID won’t fly. So far, ZDnet...

Creating an Historical Archive

Culinary history: old wedding cake in the freezer? An long time friend of mine is working with the Culinary Historians of New York on a project to gather and preserve the records of a Depression-era WPA project. According to the CHNY: The mission of “America...