Dell buys EMC & Tucci wins
EMC's Joe Tucci has long been the smartest CEO in storage. While not every one of his bets has paid off, enough have done well, while the VMware $625M buy was a monster smash. Since VMware accounts for some 70% of EMC's market cap, it is really the only deal that...
Hike blogging: Cibola trail
Fall is finally starting in the high desert. October is a wonderful month for a visit. This picture, taken from near the top of the Cibola trail, imperfectly captures one of my favorite views. Several vertical rocks and spires create a tense, 3D arrangement of...
Inifinite io’s network storage controller: what is it?
Infinite io's Network Storage Controller (NSC) is a rarity in enterprise storage: an original and unique device. It turns your file storage network into a software defined resource. But it's not a file server, a caching controller or an intelligent front end to...
Throwing hardware at a software problem
Maybe software will eat the world, but sometimes the physical world gives software indigestion. That fact was evident at the Flash Memory Summit this month. As mentioned in Flash slaying the latency dragon? several companies were showing remote storage accesses -...
Flash slaying the latency dragon?
I'm at the Flash Memory Summit this week. Two observations, one short and one long. Short first. FMS is much larger than last year. Haven't seen numbers, but the huge exhibit floor looks like a first rank storage show. VMworld has been a top storage show, but now they...
Why it’s time to forget about flash
Post sponsored by Infinidat Flash has revolutionized storage, but the industry has lost sight of the customer problem: optimizing storage for availability, performance, footprint, power and cost. Industry analysts aren't helping. Let's forget about flash and remember...
NVM is off to the races
With the Intel/micron nonvolatile memory announcement – said to be in production today – the race to produce next generation non-volatile memories has gotten serious. And not a moment too soon! What did they announce? You can read the press release here. Key...
The storage tipping point
Storage is at a tipping point: much of the existing investment in the software stack will be obsolete within two years. This will be the biggest change in storage since the invention of the disk drive by IBM in 1956. This is not to deprecate the other seismic forces...
Hike blogging: the Twin Buttes loop
Summer finally arrived in Northern Arizona, about 6 weeks later than usual. Good news: no wildfires, thanks to lots of rain. Bad news: I was freezing! I got out to the Twin Buttes before 7am - and was a little late. Shade is a valuable commodity in the Arizona summer!...
Can NetApp be saved?
If NetApp is going to save itself - see How doomed is NetApp? - it needs to change the way it's doing business and how it thinks about its customers. Or it can continue as it is and accelerate into oblivion. NetApp's problem NetApp is essentially a single-product line...

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