EMC’s missing petabytes: the cost of short stroking
A couple of weeks ago StorageMojo learned that a VMAX 20k could support up to 2400 3TB drives, it can only address ≈2PB. Where did the remaining 5 petabytes go? Some theories were advanced in the comments, and I spoke to other people about the mystery. No one would...
Help StorageMojo find the VMAX 20k’s lost petabytes!
While working on a client configuration for a VMAX 20k - and this may apply to the 40k as well, as I haven't checked - I encountered something odd: The 20k supports up to 2400 3TB drives, according to the EMC 20k spec sheet. That should be a raw capacity of 7.2PB...
Facebook on disaggregation vs. hyperconvergence
Just when everyone agreed that scale-out infrastructure with commodity nodes of tightly-coupled CPU, memory and storage is the way to go, Facebook's Jeff Qin, a capacity management engineer - in a talk at Storage Visions 2015 - offers an opposing vision: disaggregated...
Friday hike blogging: Highline trail
Hike blogging got interrupted by some schedule conflicts and bad weather. Federal district court jury duty was one interruption. Some needed rain and cold temperatures was another. To make up for the lapse, here are two pictures from this week's hike around Cathedral...
WD acquires Skyera: whoa!
The Skyera acquisition could signal a sea change in the relationship between storage device and system makers. It is overdue. Traditionally, device makers avoided competing with their customers. This is what it made Seagate's acquisition of Xiotech (now X-IO years ago...
The 30% solution
The existential battle facing legacy storage vendors is about business models, not technology or features. Market forces - cloud providers and SMBs - are trying to turn a high margin business into a much lower margin business. We have already seen this happen with the...
Friday hike blogging: Cockscomb Butte
Thanks to re:Invent and some other issues I haven't done much hiking in the last 2 weeks. But back on the 8th I took a hike with my friend Gudrun up Cockscomb. There's no official Forest Service trail so I was glad to have a guide for my first ascent. We spent about...
Primary Data takes on the enterprise
The economics of massive scale-out storage systems has thrown a harsh light on legacy enterprise storage. Expensive, inflexible, under-utilized data silos are not what data intensive enterprises need or - increasingly - can afford. That much is obvious to any CFO who...
EMC’s re-intermediation strategy
EMC - and other legacy array vendors - are trying to become an intermediary between enterprises and the cloud. Are cloud-washed arrays a viable strategy? EMC's Joe Tucci is working to ensure that EMC can survive in a cloud world even if he doesn't manage to sell the...
AWS re:Invent this week
StorageMojo's legion of analysts are saddling up for the ride to Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent. This is a first time for this event and trust it will be excellent. If you're there feel free to say hi! Courteous comments welcome, of course. Please comment on anything...

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