Over at DrunkenData.com, John William Toigo responded to The Open Source Storage Revolution Everyone Should Join with, well, condescension. Read his post here. I sent him a note in response that I trust he will soon post in the comments.
I flagged the StorageMojo.com post to him because I believe we share some common aims and I wanted to encourage a dialogue. I haven’t given up hope. He’s a smart guy — the first chapter of Holy Grail of Storage Management is dead on — and if he’s sincere about changing the industry I’m sure he’ll engage. Stay tuned.
I hope you have better luck than I did in 2001. His eye was on a different point on the Storage horizon, apparently, than mine. And a different way to get there. He’s a very personable guy.
I love Jon’s writing style. It is great. I agree with you on the first chapter of “The Holy Grail…”. I have often wondered what the source was for his inspiration. Maybe just his passion, which comes across well in his writing. One of the most interesting chapters he devoted completely to SCSI. It was an eye-opener on a dead issue. He had a good source for that. Jon’s book inspired me until I got exposed to the “cold light of reality”. Selling product is the game.
A former friend got me a seat on the SNIA training course development. My ideas clashed quite sharply with the SNIA agenda. I felt they were not skating at all to where the puck was going nor to where it was now but to where it had been. I now have a former friend.
If you and/or Jon, and/or anyone else I don’t know about, can pull off this Storage Revolution my hat is off to you and “How can I help?”
Selling solutions made up of “reliable and cost effective” products is the game…! You sir are exactly correct. Cheaper is not better! realistic Margins is were we all live, and you can bet that Jon enjoys good margins from his various ventures… Lest how could he support that house full of his offspring.
I have never (in the last 15 to 20 years ) seen fewer TRUE HA storage manufactures than there are today…Storage Revolution… this is the storage revolution, there is’nt one… or at least the Revleolution is one of much less to offer!
Hey Robin – long time no chat. I stumbled upon your blog by doing a recent search for EMC’s Price List and voila! Storagemojo.com. I read Toigo’s response (to your response) to his posting about storagemojo. What kind of a wussy-ass political answer was that? That guy has just always annoyed me and it continues to get worse. I can understand what he’s trying to do and respect the intent. But who’s calling who haughty?