I’ve had a number of requests for RSS feeds, which left me a little mystified since I don’t use them myself. I tried hooking up to Feedburner, but their stuff didn’t work with my version of WordPress. So I procrastinated. Until now.
New, Improved and, I hope, Working!
So for those of you who like and use RSS, there is an RSS feed thingie on the left side of the StorageMojo.com page. It works fine in Safari, and I’d appreciated feedback if anyone has problems using it with any other RSS reader/browser/OS combo.
Also, one other modest change
I increased the size of the default font. Big enough? Too big? Still too small? Let me know what works for you.
Update: More tech-savvy-than-me reader Ulrich had this to say in the comments:
I am reading your blog with FeedReader (www.feedreader.com) since months. Just copy “storagemojo.com†into the “add feed†field and it offers RSS2.0 or Atom to subscribe.
The link you publish doesn’t work for me. I use http://storagemojo.com/?feed=rss2 instead.
Hi Robin,
I am reading your blog with FeedReader (www.feedreader.com) since months. Just copy “storagemojo.com” into the “add feed” field and it offers RSS2.0 or Atom to subscribe.
The link you publish doesn’t work for me. I use http://storagemojo.com/?feed=rss2 instead.
Hey, any chance you could fix it to include _all_ of each posting’s text, instead of just a snippet?
I highly recommend using Feedburner to track your feeds analytics. It’s a free service, I insisted we use it for ALL feeds at Hitachi Data Systems.