The cowboys at StorageMojo’s Global HQ are saddling up for a ride out to Storage Visions 2011 and the International Consumer Electronics Show. Yippee-ki-yi-yay.
The high volumes and intense competition of consumer electronics drive manufacturing costs down the learning curve fast. That creates the economic pressure that drives enterprises to use consumer tech – SATA for 1 example – where ever possible.
With video driving Internet traffic and consumer content creation, the lines between consumer and pro storage are being redrawn. USB 3.0 and/or Light Peak will give home users the bandwidth to take advantage of simple storage arrays for the first time.
And, or course, NAND flash is still working its way into system and storage architectures. 2011 is the year that SSDs enter consumer consciousness in a big way – which they may not be ready for.
The StorageMojo take
I’m looking for interesting folks to meet with. Send a comment to this post and I’ll get back to you.
I plan to post on both StorageMojo and ZDNet.
Courteous comments welcome, of course. Also looking forward to my first crossing of the new bridge over Black Canyon. It’s 900 feet above the Colorado River and should knock at least 30 minutes off the trip time.
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