I was under the weather for much of November and taking it slow in December. But for the new year I took a couple of short hikes of 2-3 miles.
On the 31st I parked on Chapel Road and walked the Chapel Trail. The spires in this picture are the Two Nuns. The Chapel in question is a minor masterpiece of mid-century modern architecture. Here’s a view from the Chapel trail:
The next day I took the Broken Arrow trail, an easy and popular walk. Here’s a shot from the trail:
The StorageMojo take
Last NYD had 9 inches of snow on the ground. It didn’t last, but it was nice to be able to get out and celebrate this year with a short walk.
My next hikes will be in Las Vegas Monday, where I’ll be attending Storage Visions. Maybe I’ll see you there.
Courteous comments welcome, of course. For some reason the images are enlarging when clicked as they normally do. If anyone has an idea why, please pass it along in a comment. Since I’m traveling this week, I can’t promise to get it fixed for a few days. Sorry! Fixed! Still don’t know why it chose now to quit the usual behavior though.
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