Apple Watch saves (another) life

Nice piece by fellow ZDNet stable mate Jason Perlow on how his Apple Watch saved his life. And made an Apple believer in the process. Lots of personal detail that bring home the story. The StorageMojo take Heart disease is a leading killer in much of the developed...

Coming soon: StorageMojo v2.0

Just to let you know: I’m rebuilding StorageMojo – as part of launching StorageMojo v2.0 – on a new theme and finding it harder than I expected. So please pardon the mess while I get it figured out! Update: You are now looking at the new WordPress...

On retiring an old photo

Early on a friend told me I should have a photo of myself on StorageMojo. It seemed like a good idea, so I choose one taken the year before (2005), by a tourist, at sunset on Big Sur. Sunset gives great light – sunrise too – and I liked the photo’s...