Choosing Network Attached Storage For SOHO

One of the wonderful things about the storage industry is how rapidly prices fall and new technologies become available to more people. What is less wonderful is that as this sophisticated technology moves down market, it keeps the same terminology and mindset from...

ZFS On Mac: Now All-But-Official

Update: It is official. See here. Then come back and read the rest of this post. Thanks to alert reader Oskar for the tip. French website Mac4Ever reports – thanks to Babelfish translation: . . . the few innovations of Leopard, one read these last months,...

Remote PC Backup – New & Improved!

Remote PC backup made easy Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal reviews (subscription required, I believe) two remote PC backup services, Carbonite and Mozy, this morning. Mozy: now they have something I wrote briefly about Berkeley Data Systems, parent of Mozy,...