So, how much will Optane SSDs cost?
I opined recently on ZDNet that I expected Optane SSDs would come out at $2/GB. Josh Goldenhar of Excelero had a thoughtful rejoinder: . . . I think Octane will be more expensive. You mentioned $0.20/GB for flash - but I think that’s for SATA flash or consumer...
StorageMojo’s 10th birthday
On March 29, 2006, published its first posts to universal indifference. The indifference didn't last long: the second week of StorageMojo's existence I published 25x Data Compression Made Simple. The post was /.'d and the vituperation rolled in...
CloudVelox: building a freeway into the cloud
You have a data center full of Windows and Linux servers running your key applications. How do you migrate them to the cloud; or, at the very least, enable cloud-based disaster recovery? That's the question CloudVelox is trying to answer. Their software enables...
Integrating 3D Xpoint with DRAM
Intel is promising availability of 3D Xpoint non-volatile memory (NVM) this year, at least in their Optane SSDs. But Xpoint DIMMS are coming soon, and neither will give you anything close to 1,000x performance boost. In a recent paper, NOVA: A Log-structured File...
RRAM vendor inks deal with semi foundry
I've been a fan of RRAM - resistive random access memory - for years. It is much superior to NAND flash as a storage medium, except for cost, density and industry production capacity. Hey, you can't have everything! But Crossbar announced today that they've inked a...
The cult of memory
Persistent digital storage is an absolute requirement for a persisting digital civilization - and I remain concerned that with the exception of M-disc we don't have digital media with a 500 year life. But I also take a broader view of storage, including that which we...
Asymmetric innovation: legacy vs cloud
Here's a good question: why are cloud vendors able to innovate so much faster than legacy vendors? AWS brags about the hundreds of new features and services they implement every year - and their accelerating pace. But here's a better question: why don't enterprise...
Why do we focus on I/O? Because our architectures are all about moving data to the CPU. But why is that the model? Because Turing and von Neumann? Universal Turing Machines (UTM) have a fixed read/write head and a movable tape that stores data, instructions and...
Non-volatile memory conference next week
I'm looking forward to attending the 7th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop 2016 at UC San Diego next week. I couldn't make FAST 16 this year - darn it! - so this will be my Q1 storage wonk fix. My focus is on emerging technologies, products, companies and markets,...
How engineers – and anyone else – can figure out how good their marketing is
I spent years working closely with engineers at DEC, Sun and other companies - and I always felt a bit sorry for them. They'd get flayed for every decommit and slip. They'd sweat blood figuring out solutions to hundreds of subtle problems. Then, after 2 to 3 years of...

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