The top storage challenges of the next decade
StorageMojo recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, which got me thinking about the next decade. Think of all the changes we've seen in the last 10 years: Cloud storage and computing that put a price on IT's head Scale out object storage. Flash. Millions of IOPS in...
July 4th, 2016: Mormon Canyon
July 4th is when the United States of America celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. For most Americans Independence Day is the most important secular holiday of the year. Of course, July 4th wasn't the actual date of the signing - July 2nd was -...
Meeting young Mr. Trump
Back in 1980 I met Donald Trump. He came to a finance class to talk about real estate finance. I have no recollection of his talk. But I DO remember the visit and, given what I've read about Mr. Trump, some readers may find my recollection an interesting footnote....
Enterprise storage goes inside
Some interesting numbers out of IDC by way of Chris Mellor of the Reg. First up: the entire enterprise storage market in the latest quarter: Note that HPE is #1. Then the numbers for the external enterprise storage market: HPE is now #3 with $535.7 million. The...
Hike blogging: Hog Heaven trail
Mountain biking is very popular in the surrounding national forest. Enthusiasts have built many challenging bike trails, which I like to hike - not bike. I've never broken a bone and don't intend to start now. Hog Heaven is one of the toughest of the local trails,...
EMC perfumes the pig
I feel sorry for EMC's marketers: they have to make 10-20 year old technology seem au courant. It's an uphill battle, but that's why they get the big bucks. The latest effort to perfume the pig - hold still, dammit! - is EMC Unity. In a piece that - and this is a...
Commoditizing public clouds
I'm a guest of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise at Discover 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada this week. I enjoy catching up with the only remaining full-line computer company. HP was a competitor in my DEC days, and since the Compaq purchase they incorporate the remains of DEC as...
Thunderbolt: a fast and cheap SAN
If memory serves - and mine often doesn't - I asked a panel at the NVM Workshop at UCSD their opinion on using Thunderbolt as a cheap, fast, and flexible interconnect. After all, I thought, academics always need more than they can afford, so these guys would have been...
Hike blogging: Memorial Day 2016
Yesterday I took a seven mile out-and-back hike along the Chuckwagon Trail. This is an area I want to explore more. It didn't look like a good day for pictures, so I didn't take the Canon EOS-M. But the smoke from a couple of burns on the Rim cleared and some nice...
The array IP implosion
We've seen this movie before The value of legacy array intellectual property is collapsing. This isn't complicated: SSDs have made IOPS - what hard drive arrays were optimizing for the last 25 years - easy and cheap. Think of all the hard-won - well, engineered -...

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