The Intel/Micron shotgun divorce
One of the oddest marriages in high tech is coming to an end. Intel and Micron have announced that they are going their separate ways on 3D Xpoint. They’ll still share their Utah fab - joint custody - but Intel will no longer subsidize Micron’s R&D, and Micron...
StorageMojo’s novel distraction
Time has a way of speeding by, a fact I was reminded of when I looked at my last post and saw it has been 3 months since I've added anything to StorageMojo. What gives? Well, StorageMojo gave. I've been busy with ZDNet, but that's nothing new, as I've been posting...
Panasas pushes on
Panasas has long been one of the most innovative storage companies - and the industry's best kept secret. The latter fact is due to their focus on High Performance Computing (HPC), and a steadfast refusal to market themselves as "enterprise" storage. So, yeah, it is a...
The limits of disaggregation
Hyperconvergence - aka aggregation - is pushing scale-out architectures in one direction. But Rack Scale Design (RSD) - aka disaggregation - is pushing scale-out in another direction. And Composable Infrastructure is hoping to split the difference, with the power to...
Eclipse 2017
Things have been a bit quiet here at Chez Mojo - at least on the publishing side. One the personal side I've been busy with a few things, one being a move to a new place. Not much of a move - about 100 yards as the crow flies - but packing isn't much different for 100...
How high redundancy can hurt availability
I wrote about how clouds fail on ZDNet today, but there was another wrinkle in the paper that I found interesting: high redundancy hurts. Counter intuitive? This comes from the paper Gray Failure: The Achilles’ Heel of Cloud-Scale Systems, by Peng Huang, Chuanxiong...
Hike blogging: 07-17-2017
Hike blogging has been on hiatus for several reasons, including no good pictures, packing up for a short move, too much rain - it's monsoon time now - and I've been getting back to biking as well. But this morning got out at 630 on to the Twin Buttes/Hog Heaven/Hog...
Flash Memory Summit next month
StorageMojo's crack analyst team will be attending next months Flash Memory Summit. The dates are August 8-10, at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Wasn't able to attend last year, but the 2015 summit was the best storage show I'd seen in years. Flash is where the...
The moving target problem
With the news that Toshiba has developed 3D quad-level cell flash with 768Gb die capacity, I'm reminded of the moving target problem. This is a problem whenever a new technology seeks to carve out a piece of an existing technology's market. Typically, a startup seeks...
Why startups fail
A great piece at CB Insights. They collected the failure stories of 101 startups and then broke those failures into 20 categories. Spoiler alert! Here are the top 10 reasons for failure, as compiled by CB Insights. What I find interesting is that 8 of the top 10...

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